Jazz Promotion Network (JPN) has been awarded over £90,000 by Arts Council England to deliver a multi-strand programme of work that focuses on developing the jazz workforce across the UK and Ireland.

The funding will support a number of new initiatives as well as the continuation and development of work delivered in 2019. This comes after a period of consultation with the membership and wider jazz sector about its most pressing needs.

The work includes –

  • The annual conference in Belfast, Northern Ireland (25/26th June 2020)
  • Partnership with The Hub to deliver workforce training across England in connection with Jazz North and Jazz South
  • Delivery of the joint UK and Ireland stand at Jazzahead 2020 including artist bursaries to attend the event
  • Partnership with Birmingham City University (BCU) on a 2-year longitudinal research project on current and potential jazz audiences
  • Partnership with Attitude Is Everything to deliver training for promoters, producers and venues in how to address barriers to accessing live music for disabled people
  • Workforce exchange programme for promoters and producers to facilitate peer learning
  • Organisational development of JPN including the appointment of part-time staff to deliver work, handle membership recruitment and support the Board of Directors

“This represents a huge step forward for the organisation and allows us to be bold and ambitious in our work to support the jazz and improvised music sector across the UK and Ireland.

“As well as providing vital financial support for a number of projects we’ve been developing for a number of years, what this grant does is buys us time and space to really make the most of everyone’s skills and knowledge. We can now expand the organisation to include a delivery team and ensure we’re using the time of the Board to its fullest; utilising the wealth of knowledge and skills each board member brings to the table. 

“It’s a very heartening and exciting way to start 2020 and we’re grateful to Arts Council England for their support.” 
– Kim Macari, Chair

JPN Staff

We now plan to appoint two part time staff on fixed term freelance contracts (links directly below) running from April 2020 to June 2021 to undertake the work associated both with the Workforce Development Programme funded via the Arts Council grant and the management of the JPN membership, plus the associated marketing and PR required.

CLICK HERE for details of the JPN Network Manager Position

CLICK HERE for details of the JPN Communications Manager Position

Deadline for applications will be February 29 with interviews in London on March 11.