We are very excited to announce that our new membership platform is ready to be rolled out! At first, the new system will only be available to existing members in order for us to onboard the existing base, and in due course this will become the new method for signing up new members in the future. Below, we have highlighted some key changes with how membership registration and payments will be dealt with in the future.
Payments and member renewals can now be taken automatically
No more manual invoices and yearly reminders to renew membership! With the new platform, you will have the option to pay by direct debit, meaning you will be notified before the membership renewal, but unless you want to cancel, you won’t have to do anything. You can also pay by debit or credit card, but reminders will be sent automatically so you don’t have to worry about remembering to renew yourself, or after the renewal date has passed.
You can update your details whenever you or your organisation needs to
You are in control of the data we have access to, and you can change this information whenever you like. This includes information such as website info, social media links, contact information, the person responsible for dealing with your membership and even payment details.
For larger organisations, you can share your membership plan with multiple members of staff
When we expand to getting our member resource hub later in the year, this means you will be able to share access to this information and be included on member only member mailing lists.
The process has been simplified for new members
Gone are the days when you had to write paragraphs in order to become a member. Now the process is simple. Just select the type of membership that best suits you, fill in your name, email and if applicable, the name of the organisation you’re applying for, and you can pay the membership fee immediately. Once the payment has been processed, you’re officially a member of JPN and following that, you can add more details to your profile and we will follow up with more detailed information about the organisation and current opportunities in due course.
If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to get in touch with our communications and marketing manager Daniel Garel at comms@jazzpromotionnetwork.org.uk